von dor | März 26, 2016 |
Klein Jüdlein | 23.07.1888 | J-12
click the image to enlarge
Original German script
Hier ruht in Gott
Jüdlein Klein
gest. 23. Juli 1888
77 Jahre alt
Friede seiner Asche
English translate
Here rests in god
Jüdlein Klein
died on 23rd July 1888
77 years old
Peace to his ashes
Original Hebrew script
יהודה בר נפתלי
נפטר ביום ב‘ ט“ו באב
תרמ“ח לפק
English translate
Yeuda Bar Naftaly
Died in Monday 21
Av 5648
von avigail ben eliyahu | Feb. 24, 2016 |
Klein Babette | 09.03.1939 | N-23
click the image to enlarge
Original German script
Hier ruht in Gott
meine lb. Frau unsere lb. Mutter u. Großmutter
Babette Klein, geb. Guttmann
geb. 2. April 1866
gest. 9. März 1939
In loving memory of our
parents and family
Hugo und Gretel Klein
Selma Heinemann
Max und Willa Goldschmidt
Ludwig Goldschmidt
Adolf und Malchen Heinemann
Richard und Frieda Kuhl
Klärchen Leo und Hermann Kuhl
Betet für uns und gedenket unser
erzählet es euren Kindern wieder
wie wir zu Tode gepeinigt wurden.
English translate
Here rests in God
my dear wife, our dear mother and grandmother
Babette Klein, née Guttmann
born April 23rd 1866
died March 9th 1939
In loving memory of our
parents and family
Hugo und Gretel Klein
Selma Heinemann
Max und Willa Goldschmidt
Luidwig Goldschmidt
Adolf und Malchen Heinemann
Richard und Frieda Kuhl
Klarchen Leo und Hermann Kuhl
Pray for us and remember us
tell it to your children
how we were tortured to death
Original Hebrew script
אשה טובה שכל היקרה אשת שמואל קליין נפטרה ביום עשק אדר תרמ“ט לפק ת.נ.צ.ב.ה
English translate
Good women
the wife of Shmuel Klein
Died on Saturday evening
Adar 5648
von Hodaya Toledano | Feb. 19, 2016 |
Kalman Lustig | 26.01.1902 | E-28
click the image to enlarge
Original German script
Hier ruht in Gott
Kalmann Lustig
gest. 26 Januar 1902
83 Jahre alt
Friede seiner Asche!
English translate
Here rests in God
Kalmann Lustig
died on 26th of January 1902
83 years old
peace to his ashes!
Original Hebrew script
קלונימוס בר ברוך
נפטר ביום א׳
טבת תרס״ב לפק
English translate
Kalonimus Bar Barouch
Died on Sunday 15 of
month Tevet 5662 for small details
von dor | Feb. 13, 2016 |
Kuhl Hugo | 18.01.1892 | J-19
click the image to enlarge
Original German script
Hugo Kuhl
gestorben 18. Januar 1892
16 Jahre alt
Friede seiner Asche
English translate
Hugo Kuhl
died January 18th 1892
16 years old
Peace to his ashes
Original Hebrew script
נפתלי בר גבריאל
נפטר ביום
ש“ק טבת תרנ“ב
English translate
Naftaly Bar Gabriel
Died on H.S of month Tevet 5652
von livnat levi | Feb. 13, 2016 |
click the image to enlarge
Original German script
Hier ruht
Sarah Kuhl
ihrer Asche
English translate
Here rests
Sarah Kuhl
to her ashes