Lustig Seligmann | 22.08.1873 | G-4
Original German script
Hier runt in gott
Seligrmann Lustig
Gebaen den 20 August 1813
Gestorben den 22 August 1873
59 jahre alt
Friede seiner asche
English translate
Here rests in god
Seligmann Lustig
Born the 20th August 1813
Died the 22th August 1873
59 years old
Peace to his ash
Original Hebrew script
ראבון בר יצחק
נפטר ביום שק יום
א’ רוח אלול תרז”ה לפק
English translate
Reuven Bar Itzhak
Died on Saturday
1st of month Elol 5643
for small details