by avigail ben eliyahu | Feb 20, 2016 |
Alsbacher Babetta | 02.04.1871 | I-3
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Original German script
Hier ruht in Gott
Babetta Alsbacher
geborne Wiesengrund
gest. d. 2. April 1871
im 65ten Lebensjahre
Sanft ruhe ihre Asche
English translate
Here rests in God
Babette Alsbacher
née Wiesengrund
died 2nd April 1871
in her 65th year of life
May her ashes rest in peace
Original Hebrew script
אשת חיל כפה
פרשה לעני וידיר
שלחה בכשור
English translate
Woman of Valor
was generous
by avigail ben eliyahu | Feb 20, 2016 |
Alsbacher Asor Löb | 02.04.1873 | I-4
click the image to enlarge
Original German script
ruht in Gott
Löb Alsbacher
geb. d. 6. April 1796
gest. d. 2. April 1873
Friede seiner Asche
English translate
rests in God
born on 6th of April 1796
died on 2nd of April 1873
peace to his ashes
Original Hebrew script
תם וישר לבב
היה הולך בדרכיו
כל ימי חייו
by Hodaya Toledano | Feb 1, 2016 |
Adler Aberlein | 04.09.1858 | E-2
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